Hello Everyone,
Unfortunately I write to you all from Julia's hospital room. As many of you have heard Julia was admitted on Friday from Oncology clinic. Her Oncologist came in letting us know that Julia's blood work was very worrisome. There were many markers that indicated that the PTLD may be back. Julia has been very very sick the last few days. She has tested positive for RSV, C-Diff, and a Urinary Tract Infection. She is receiving heavy duty antibiotics, and has had to start IV nutrition because she is unable to eat and barely drinking. These are 3 big infections so hopefully this is the reason she is so unwell. Doctors are trying to remain optimistic but given her history they must investigate to see if the cancer is back. She will have a PET/CT on Friday, and a heart biopsy with a bone marrow biopsy on Tuesday. They may also do a scope of her stomach and she may need to go to IGT and get her PICC line put back in. We will wait patiently for all our tests and have a departmental meeting with Oncology and Transplant next Wednesday afternoon to review results and come up with a plan.
As you can all imagine this is a complete nightmare. Especially because we are suppose to leave on Julia's "wish trip" to Disney in less than 2 weeks.
I have been getting numerous calls and I apologize for not answering or returning calls but I can not possibly talk about this with everyone, and quiet frankly I have nothing to say. I thought it would be easier to keep you all informed through the blog. I know you all have a lot of questions and your very concerned but honestly we have no answers, and we will not know anything until next week. I will try and keep everyone posted via the blog.
Thank you so much for all your support.