I am glad to report that Julia is feeling much better. She had a repeat ultrasound today and everything was good. The bowel thickening was gone and the lymph nodes were back to normal size. Since these issues resolved with antibiotics doctors believe they were probably due to infection. As of tonight she will be taken off all the antibiotics she is on and can start eating on her own (with IV nutrition as a top up).
Although we have dodged one bullet we have two more to go. She will undergo a heart biopsy and a repeat CT scan on Thursday. Doctors continue to be very concerned about the lymph nodes in her chest and the spots on her lungs. Unlike the stomach issues they do not believe this is infection related. We were told today that it is very unlikely this is an infection especially because she has no symptoms of a respiratory infection. They are worried it may be progressive disease. I remain optimistic that Julia will once again prove them wrong.
The plan is to have the CT scan Thursday and if it shows improvement we will re start our chemo protocol on Friday, and potentially be home by the weekend (this is what we pray happens). If the CT scan is unchanged or worse we will then have to undergo a lung biopsy. This is a very invasive, scary procedure which will mean Julia will have to go to the Critical Care Unit after biopsy. At this point we have not gotten into details with the doctors about this option. I figure why worry and live with more anxiety until we know the results of the CT scan. Therefore at this point I just pray that the CT scan shows improvement, and we can go on with our current chemo protocol.
The next couple of days will be very long and stressful as we await the results of the CT scan. Living here day in and day out waiting to find out what the future holds is really taking it's toll. Will we get to walk out of here by the end of the week with a happy ending or will our lives be completely shattered? Wasn't heart transplant enough to go through? These are some of the questions I ask myself everyday.
This is all for now and I will try and update you all by the weekend (hopefully from home).
Thanks again for all your love and support.