Finally, I have good news to report. Julia had her heart biopsy and repeat CT scan on Thursday morning. Everything went well and she recovered very well. On Thursday afternoon Dr. Punnett came to see us and let us know that Julia's CT showed marginal improvement from the last one. Although the lymph nodes were not gone they have decreased slightly in size, and since she is doing well clinically this was enough to put her back on her chemo protocol. Therefore Thursday night Julia received her 3rd cycle of chemo, and as usual handled it like a superstar. Julia continues to be neutropenic and this will remain a challenge for us.
We were finally discharged on Friday afternoon, and let me tell you it is so good to be home. It was starting to feel like the hospital was our home. Julia has to be back at the hospital on Tuesday for blood work and clinic. We will not get the results of her heart biopsy until early next week. She will be followed closely and repeat her scans after cycle 4. For know we are so grateful to be home and have decided to take this journey one day at a time.
I know a lot of you were worried and I apologize for not being in touch, but I want you to know that I am forever grateful for all your support.