Monday, June 1, 2009

A message from Nadia

Hello Everyone,

I want to thank you all for your ongoing support, prayers, and good wishes. Your messages for Julia are fantastic. I read them to her almost everyday. They really make her happy.

This has been a difficult few days for me. Julia is starting to lose her hair and it just makes things so real. It makes me realize that she may look good on the outside, but on the inside there’s a lot going on in her little body.

Julia has been playing, laughing, and causing trouble like all 3 year olds should. She has more strength and courage then anyone I know. I pray everyday that she can stay this strong through her treatment…………it will make things easier for all.

We are back at Sick Kids tomorrow for clinic, blood tests, and treatment. We will keep you posted on her progress.

I have to go but thank you all so much for your ongoing support.
