Sunday, May 24, 2009


Julia's struggles started over 3 years ago. I got a call from Mary saying that Julia was at Markham Stouffville Hospital with dehydration from a virus. I, along with her parents Elio and Nadia, probably never even dreamed of the road ahead for their tiny daughter.

She was sent to Hamilton Children's hospital with a D.O.A. She was in fact alive, but it was obvious that the doctors sending her by ambulance to Hamilton did not believe she would make it. She did. Dozens and dozens of tests later revealed absolutely nothing. They new it was her heart but they don't know how her heart got sick.

She was finally transferred to Toronto's Sick Kids hospital. Dozens of tests there again revealed nothing. What was apparent though was that Julia's heart was failing, and that she would require a heart transplant ASAP.

Julia was put on the top of the UNOS list and within 3 days they had found her a donor. In those days, I couldn't fathom what Elio and Nadia were going through. The terror of fighting time. I held my own children closer, praying for Julia and yet thanking God for two healthy children.

The transplant was text book and unbelievably she was released 3 weeks later!

Anti-rejection medication made it hard for the family to get together with other kids, and she missed birthday parties and other functions, but she was ALIVE!

Between 2006 and now she has accomplished so much. Her family adapted their lives to her schedule and still numerous doctors appointments for blood test and biopsy's and all other medical matters attributed to transplant patients. She became a big sister to Emily, celebrated her first, second and third birthdays, and we want her to continue to celebrate her birthdays, for a world with out Julia would be a dim one.

She was diagnosed with PTLD (Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disease) and the very same day began her chemotherapy. This won't be the end for our little Julia. I know it.