Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Quick Update

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that Julia's hospital appointment last week went well. Her counts showed a small improvement and I was thrilled with that news. The hope is that they will continue to go up. Her latest EBV results remain negative.....another good thing. At this point the talks of relapse have stopped and we're all sticking to the theory that its something viral. She went back to school on Monday and is very excited about that. We did make the decision to pull her off steroids in preparation for NY and she will need a heart biopsy in 4 weeks to make sure there is no rejection going on. We are all crossing our fingers that we have 4 weeks here in order to get the biopsy done. At this point she will continue to go to the hospital weekly for clinic, blood work and her cytogam infusions. I can handle this.......I just hope it can stay at once a week????

I will you keep you all posted on how Julia is doing.
