Hi Everyone,
I update you all from Sick Kids. Julia had a rough week with fevers starting Tuesday. We had to bring her into hospital everyday this week for bloodwork and cultures. Yesterday doctors decided to admit her since it had been 4 days of fever with no obvious source. She feels absolutely fine, its just the fever. The one thing that is very concerning are her counts. When she was here Monday for clinic her counts had taken a drastic fall and we were unsure why. Well, now she is once again neutropenic (no counts). This makes no sense considering how well she was while we were away. Its unbelievable how things can change so quickly. As you can imagine doctors are very concerned given her history and already talking about the possibility of the cancer being back. I apologize for being very distant this week. A lot of you have been contacting me to find out about our trip but this has been a really tough week. Its been really hard to come back from such an amazing trip where Julia was so well to being at Sick Kids everyday. And now this admission is a real kick in the face. I tried to negotiate with docs yesterday to let her go home and ride this out at home since besides the fever she's fine.....but obviously I lost the negotiation. They rushed her to u/s and bone scan yesterday to see if she had an infection in her bones since she was complaining of leg pain. The u/s and bone scan were both normal. The big mystery now are her counts. WHY the hell is she neutropenic???
The first week of school and poor baby only went for one day and poor Anthony has already spent the first week back at school being shuffled around. I called home late last night and poor Anthony was still up waiting for me to come home. Broke my heart to have to tell him I wasn't coming home. It is so hard to be back in here. I will try again today to get discharged....not sure I will win. I will keep you all updated.
Congratulations to all the winners of the raffle.