Hi Everyone,
After many many back and forth emails and conversations it has been decided that I will fly to Sloan Kettering in New York city and do my cell donation there. Donating the cells here and shipping them to NY proved to be extremely diff cult due to scheduling and regulations with Canadian Blood Services. So Julia's oncologist has made arrangements for Sloan Kettering to do the collection of my cells. Therefore I will fly out Monday morning for 2 days. I am scheduled to be at Sloan first thing Monday morning for the donation and also meet with doctors and case managers managing Julia's case. Getting flights with the hurricane expected to hit NY Sunday/Monday has proven to be chaotic.............much like the rest of my life. There are 365 days in a year and the day I need to be in NY there is expected to be a hurricane.......now if that isn't bad luck I don't know what is!! We tried to move around the dates for collection but it wasn't possible as the cell collection is a very complicated process to organize as many people are needed on board (from technicians to doctors to research lab techs). For those of you who know me well, you know I am terrified to fly so think of me as a board the plane and fly through the wicked weather we are expecting. My dad keeps joking with me that it will be a very bumpy ride on a small plane......yikes!! As you can imagine the last couple weeks have been so insane trying to organize all this and I only learned this afternoon that I needed to be in NY in 3 days. The emails, phone calls, paper work have been overwhelming. Julia's poor oncologist has been working around the clock to get this organized. She is absolutely wonderful and I thank god everyday we have a doctor as caring and compassionate as her, we could not ask for any better.
Julia has been feeling good these days. She is playing and fighting with Anthony and Emily like she should be. She will be at the hospital tomorrow for clinic, blood work, chest x-ray, and her weekly infusion.
I will update you all when I return from New York.