Sunday, March 21, 2010

Update on Julia

Hi Everyone,

After reporting on my last update that Julia was well and had not developed any fevers.........on Tuesday Julia developed high fevers which made her feel really crappy this week. She was once again started on antibiotics and put into isolation. She also tested positive (again), for C-diff (a stomach infection) and began different antibiotics for the infection. Her counts totally bottomed out this week and she required a blood and platelet transfusion. On a good note her counts have quickly started to recover and she should have total count recover this week. This will be just in time for her next cycle. She will start her next cycle of chemo next Tuesday.

I don't have much energy to write tonight as the days are turning into weeks, turning into months, and things are really getting to me. It feels like we've been in this hospital forever and when I think about it we still have a long way to go. Elio and I really want to thank everyone for all your help. Your cards, e-mails, food, and visits have been very comforting. I will keep you posted on Julia's progress this week.
