
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Quick Update

Hi Everyone,

I must tell you that this has been an extremely hard few days and I am having a hard time right now. I did however want to let everyone know about the test results as many of you have been asking. Julia's scan on Friday was ok (only ok). There was no immediate concern but there were things that will require follow up. Mainly the scan showed some enlarged lymph nodes in her chest (bigger than previous scans). At this point we will do another PET/CT in approx. 8 weeks. After receiving that news on Friday, today at 12:30 I got a call from the heart transplant nurse informing me that Julia has rejection on her biopsy. This was a total surprise and no one (not even doctors) expected this. I had to get to the hospital by 2:00 so Julia could receive IV steroids for the rejection. She will receive them for 3 days. She is being admitted tomorrow for a scope on Thursday due to the persistent tummy issues she is having. I really have no idea what the plan is right now and will get more answers this week and next. I can hardly believe this is happening. We just can't catch a break. I apologize for the brief update but I am in no mood to go into details as I haven't even absorbed the results myself. I will however let you all know when I receive more information.

Thank you and keep Julia in your prayers.


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