
Monday, June 28, 2010

Quick Update

Hi Everyone,

Julia has been home now for 3 weeks and is doing very well. She is still on overnight hydration but we will attempt to take her off very soon. She is going to clinic on Friday and will have her biopsy and scans next Friday. Depending on the scans and how comfortable doctors are I will try and negotiate taking out her PICC line so she can enjoy the summer. We would also like to plan her wish trip ASAP.

Julia went to school today, her first day in 6 months. She was so happy and excited that she got up at 5:00am and asked me if it was time to go to school. Today at St. Julia's was an award assembly and the school presented Julia with an award for courage and bravery. She was so cute as she walked to the front of the gym to accept her award. She gave her teacher a big hug and then came over to me and gave me a big huge. When we asked her tonight what she got the award for she said "because I am brave mommy". She also said "did you hear all those people cheering for me mom, it was so loud". Adorable. On a sad note she asked me if she would be able to go to school next year for the whole year or if she was going to get sick again. I was lost for words. How do you explain to a 4 year old what all this means. I hope and pray that she will be able to attend the whole school year next year.

Thank you for your on going support and I will keep you all posted on next weeks results.


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