
Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Hi Everyone, As some of you have heard Julia's biopsy never happened. She went into the OR and the surgeons removed her ear tubes and did a sinus wash but unfortunately were not able to perform the biopsy. After 2hours in the OR the surgeons came out and said that in order to get to the node they would need to do a full neck dissection. All the doctors felt that there were way more risks then benefits so decided not to go after the node. Their exact words " a neck dissection is a big deal and may put her in ICU". Initially I was furious, we had already waited 2 weeks and now we had nothing. After calming down I was happy that the doctors made the safest choice for Julia. We went to NY last week and Julia received her cell infusion. Things went well except that she got an eye infection and required IV antibiotics in NY. Not surprising as our trips to NY seem to always have some drama. Julia's EBV numbers are increasing and doctors are worried about this trend. Looks like we may start a chemo drug even without biopsy just to bring the EBV numbers down. Since the biopsies seem to be difficult and put Julia at risk the team has decided to repeat the PET scan on May 30th to see what has happened in the last few weeks. At this point we are returning to NY the first week of June and depending on the EBV numbers and her PET scan we may need to go back to full cycles in NY as oppose to monthly infusions. Many of you have asked me what the hell is going on and trust me I know the frustration first hand. Unfortunately Julia is in uncharted waters and both Toronto and NY are doing there best but really have no protocols or experience to follow. So it really is a day by day, week by week plan and there are no "right" answers or solutions. At this point I am anxious for the repeat PET and we will go from there. I will continue to keep you updated as we know more. Thanks for all your support. Nadia


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