
Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Easter

As some of you know San Antonio Fish Market held a benefit last weekend in honour of Julia. It was an awesome night and i have not seen Julia that happy in a very long time. We would like to thank the Lionetti family for the amazing event. They are an amazing family and we are forever grateful for their support, encouragement and generosity. Julia has remained well over the last month....thank God. We are off to NYC on April 9th for Julia's next treatment. She is also having her PET scan on the 10th in NY to see if she is in remission. We are extremely nervous for these results.....we need her to be in remission. Our team in NY and Toronto have decided that Julia will begin a maintenance schedule next month which will consist of monthly infusions. Therefore we will be travelling to NY every month for 1 infusion. If this works the maintenance treatment will continue for 1 year. I will keep you all posted on scan results and please say a prayer for a good scan that shows Julia is in remission. From our family to yours we wish you all a very Happy Easter. Nadia


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