
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Change in plans......again

Hi Everyone, Well once again our plans have changed. We will no longer be coming home on Tuesday. Doctors here have decided that they will do a LP (lumbar puncture) on Monday to see if Julia has any disease or infection in her spinal fluid. There is a test here that Toronto is not able to run. Given this her third cell infusion has been postponed to Wednesday. Therefore we will not be coming home till Thursday. It really feels like we have been here forever. Poor Anthony is so upset as we have changed our date home so many times. He was really upset that I will not be home. The Ronald McDonald House is great for the kids but really not so great for the parents. I am surrounded by sad stories, people dying, people leaving being told there is nothing left they can do for their children. It's insane that this is so "normal" in here but really this life is so NOT normal. Being surrounded by this awful disease that has robbed our kids of having a childhood is becoming way too much to bare. Right now I am trying hard to just get through the days and anxious to get home to my family. Thanks again for all your love and support and hope to be updating you soon from home. Nadia


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