
Friday, July 20, 2012

Results are in.........

Hi Everyone, The biopsy results are in and Julia is not in remission. The biopsy confirms that the PTLD is still there. Although, unlike other times this biopsy is reporting "early, mild PTLD". This is not surprising but very disappointing. It took some time for Elio and I to get over the anger and disappointment but we are doing the best we can. Pathology slides have been sent to NY and we are waiting for NY to review them and give us some direction. These things take forever and it is so frustrating knowing Julia still has the cancer and just sitting here doing nothing about it right now. Looks like we will end up back in NY for more cell therapy but NY would like to try and change donors. The problem is if we change donors the cells aren't quite ready yet. I wanted to be in NY this week for cells to buy us some time but that didn't happen. At this point I'm thinking the 2nd week of August if that's what the doctors decide is the best treatment. Thankfully Julia is feeling well, her blood work last week was perfect (which made us feel so much better), but this weeks was down again. Julia's oncologist is away this week and we will not see her till next week. Hopefully we will have more answers from her and NY by then. For now we are living day by day and taking in the good each day brings. I will keep you all posted on the treatment plan when we have one. In the meantime please pray that Julia remains well. Thanks Nadia

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