
Monday, December 5, 2011

Update from New York.....never a dull moment!

Hi Everyone,

I will start by letting you all know that Julia is doing well. She has handled her 1st cell transfusion like the trooper she is and all her monitoring last week was good. She will have her 2nd transfusion on Wednesday and we are hoping and praying everything goes just as well.

Well for those of you who follow my blog you know that a week in NY could not go by without some sort of drama................On Saturday we were scheduled to visit some family in New Jersey. They had ordered food for our arrival and were even coming to NY city to pick us up, but we never made it there. I woke up on Saturday morning and went down to the kitchen to make myself a pot of coffee (like I do every morning). I met a mother in the lobby who was also from Toronto and who was going home that day. As I was talking to her I felt a little funny, didn't really know what just not feeling that well. We exchanged numbers and walked to the elevators together. As we were waiting at the elevator I told her I wasn't feeling well and apparently turned around to get to the chairs and down I went like a sac of potatoes. Fainted in the lobby of the Ronald McDonald House. The staff immediately called 911 and the paramedics rushed me to New York Hospital. The lady at the front desk called our room and told my mom she needed to come down to the lobby as they had someone who fainted. She left Julia in the room (alone) and ran down the stairs from the 6th floor. She said as she got to the lobby there I was on the floor. The paramedics insisted on taking me to the hospital as my blood pressure was really low. Julia was still connected to over night hydration and my mom does not know how to disconnect her. So as the paramedics are shoving oxygen prongs up my nose I'm worried about Julia and her hydration. Thankfully one of the mom's at the house went to disconnect Julia as I went off to the hospital. When I got to the hospital they were waiting. I could not believe how unbelievably fast things were. They did an ECG, put in an IV, started a bolus of fluid to get my blood pressure up and the doctor had already come in to see me in the first 10 about good service! My blood work was good and there were no major concerns. They believe I was dehydrated, exhausted, and that the stress caught up to me. Once they gave me fluid my blood pressure returned to normal and I felt better. They got me out of there as quick as they could. I felt very weak the rest of the day so I just crawled into bed and rested. I sure did scare the crap out of myself and my mom...who after I was feeling better gave me so much shit!! She says between me and Julia we are going to kill her!! I am feeling better but am so home sick and feel like I've been here forever.

The house is really good to the families and they always have something going on to keep the kids busy. Tonight is a pizza party in the playroom with Santa gifts and pictures. They also offer free Museum tours to the guests so I am hoping to take Julia one day this week or next. We will be at Sloan all day Wednesday and Thursday for sure and quite possibly Friday depending on counts.

I will keep you all posted on how the 2nd cell transfusion goes this week. I apologize for not contacting any of you but this has been much more difficult than I expected.

Thanks for all your support and prayers. Please keep Julia in your thoughts and prayers as she goes through the 2nd cell transfusion.


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