
Friday, September 16, 2011

Raffle Winners

Here are the winners of the raffle:

47" Plasma TV - Cindy Tsang

IPad - Jeff Baxter

Camera - Michelle Williams

2 night package at The Hilton - Micheal Basio

1yr gym membership at GoodLife - Sonia Ricco

1 pair Blue Jay tickets (thursday's game) - Andrea Wexford

1 pair Leaf tickets (season opener) - Angela Cox

$100 Gift care to Markville Spa - Cinzia Colangelo

Manicure and Pedicure at Markville Spa - Lorrisa Bevosly

$100 gift card at Black Smith Bistro - S. Mizzi

$150 gift card to Ticketmaster - Tino Solarino

$150 gift card to Ticketmaster - Vince Abbatangelo

$50 gift card to Kelsey's - Gina Bianchi

$50 gift card to Kelsey's - Lisa

$50 gift card to Boston Pizza - Connie Colangelo

$50 gift card to Boston Pizza - Daniela Bonomo

$50 gift card to Moxie - Mark Kanhai

$50 gift card to Moxie - Pam Campagne

$50 gift card to Home Depot - Sal nuimage

$50 gift card to Home Depot - Sara Wright

$50 gift card to Cadillac Fairview - Mike Colangelo

$50 gift card to Cadillac Fairview - Erica Campagne

$30 gift card to Silver City - Sliva Livia

$30 gift card to Silver City - Peter & Laura Serravalle

$25 gift card to Starbucks - Peter Petralito

$25 gift card to Starbucks - Nina Andreozzi

$20 gift card to Tim Hortons - Andrew Rutherford

$20 gift card to Tim Hortons - Martin Menezes

Congratulations to all the winners!! I will be contacting the winners within a day or so to make delivery arrangements of your prizes.

We would like to thank everyone who supported Julia in buying raffle tickets and a very special thank you to all of you who sold tickets for us.


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