
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Quick Update

Hi Everyone,

Julia was at the hospital last week and everything continues to be well. Her immune system is still down and she continues to get weekly infusions to boost it. She remains EBV negative (which means the effects of chemo are still in her system). Doctors expected that it will take approx. 8 weeks to clear the chemo. She is feeling well and enojoying her time at home.

I continue to battle with Sloane Kettering over my invoices. The lastest bill I receieved was for $130,000. Our doctor here is trying to sort it out but its amazing how things run in the US. We are so lucky to have health care in Canada. It's a real eye opener. The focus is on the money not the patient. I hope to have it all resolved in the next week or so.

Elio and I will probably find out next week if either of us were a good match for Julia. If so, we will proceed with donating our cells and ship them to NY. Since Julia has remained well our scheduled departure for NY is September (depending on our cell donation, and Julia's own cell count). It has been recommended that we go to NY and meet with doctors prior to bringing Julia there, so we are trying to sort out when would be best for us to go.

I want to thank everyone who has donated to Julia and/or bought raffle tickets for the raffle Mary is holding. It is very much apprecited and will help greatly with the medical expenses.

For now we continue to live each day not knowing what tomorrow will bring. Every week at the hospital I feel more anxious and more worried about what the future holds. I will continue to keep you all updated on Julia's progress/plans.


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